To create a conducive environment for the economic development of the state and for the growth of the electronics and semiconductor industry
To create employment opportunities in the state through electronics and semiconductor industries
To make Gujarat a preferred destination for global investors in the field of electronics and semiconductor.
To identify, develop, facilitate, co-ordinate, establish and monitor the Electronics Manufacturing Cluster(s) (EMC), at a place or places in the State.
To create a conducive environment for the economic development of the state and for the growth of the electronics and semiconductor industry
To formulate and implement incentive policies for the establishment of new electronics and semiconductor industries in the state and to attract global investors.
To promote ease of manufacturing by augmenting fiscal and non-fiscal support for electronics and semiconductor industries in the state.
To enable active collaboration/ partnership with stack holders in ESDM/Semiconductor industries to enhance the availability of skilled manpower and to promote research, start-ups or technological advances.